World Full of Chaos

The United States of America and its living beings are experiencing one of (maybe top 5)scariest things they have ever had to endure.

No one has seen anything like this. From health care professionals, hospitality industries, to small and locally owned businesses, NO ONE. We’ve been asked to quarantine and “social distance” What this is supposed to mean: stay inside, away from groups of people, 3-6 ft apart from other people, basically keeping your distance and staying clean. You think it would be simple? Right?

WRONG. The human mind can’t comprehend the simple. We as humans and the nature of our being are so accustomed to doing what we wan when we want. Learning all that I have learned during this time from books that I have read and podcast’s I’ve listened to I’ve learned one thing:

In a bery simple quiet and present world that we have been given, we have the tendency to make our frequencies out of equilibrium and adapt very toxic wave patterns.

I’ve learned that our neurological networks are being put into overdrive everyday that we do not live in the present. We’ve grown so accustomed to not letting out best creative selves come to light that we have silenced them completely. When its time to let them them be heard and give the attention that they deserve, its battle.

Breaking these uneasy and forced frequencies that our external bodies have trained our internal being to comply to is like awaking a beast. A beast that is trapped in a cave, where its very dark, it craves for sunlight. It longs for water and the nuture that it deserves to be set free. Charged with wrongful crimes that our externals states have so wrongful sentenced to. In a state of solitude that the internal begins to believe what its being told is right.

And I am now learning that, that is not true. Not any more.

I’m learning to break free and feel the energy, feel the world around me. Feel the ever living breath of the earth as we spin into existence. But go beyond that and feel that beyond time and space we exist in a place full of whole fulness and love.

Where the vibrations of what I want, can be achieved as long as it comes with pure intentions and true walks of life.

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